Canadian Consulting Engineer

Vancouver subway expansion moving forward

February 19, 2019

The request for qualifications (RFQ) has been released on BC Bid and will close in April 2019.

expansionThe Broadway Subway expansion project in Vancouver, adding 5.7 km and six stations to the Millennium Line, is now open to bidders to submit their qualifications to design, build and finance the project.

The request for qualifications (RFQ) has been released on BC Bid and will close in April 2019.

The B.C. ministry of transportation and infrastructure will select up to three respondent teams to participate in the final  request for proposal stage.

Early work will soon get under way to prepare for subway construction slated to start in 2020.


Current activities involve installing trolley wire poles and upgrading intersection signals and lampposts on routes adjacent to the corridor. This work will enable future trolley bus detours and keep people moving during subway construction.

The project will cost $2.83 billion, and it is projected to finish in 2025.


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